Services at a glance.

Gender, Sexuality and Identity Support

Supporting individuals through changes in desire and identity.

Family Support; Sexuality, Education and Identity

Support for families navigating youth sexual development.

Sexual Trauma Support

Support for survivors of sexual trauma.

Healing Arts and Sexuality

Guided, written and visual art exploration of trauma and sexuality.

Customized Sex Education

Large and small group customized sex education for any community.

Trauma Informed Relationships

Individual and Group psycho-education for partners of survivors of sexual trauma, groups and communities invested in trauma informed relationships and survivors themselves.

Educational and Support Groups

Community focused groups for support and education on a variety of topics.

Facilitations, Workshops and Seminars

Customizable curriculum and facilitation on a variety of topics for any community.

Supervision and Consulting

Consulting for professionals and supervision for interns.

All of my services are conducted through an intersectional lens. I am active in my personal process of decolonizing my relationship to sexuality and bodies and studying the disproportionate impact of sexual violence and harmful public health policy on people of the global majority. I engage deeply with the work of trans, disabled, and BIPOC sexuality educators and healers. I commit to dismantling transphobia, fatphobia, ableism, colonialism and anti-blackness in myself, my environment and the sex education field. I am in a constant learning process and commit to accountability, admitting when I am wrong, and a life long learning process. I will do my work to educate myself and enlist the support of diverse mentors and peers when necessary. While I focus on educating myself in a framework of intersectional liberation, my services are available to individuals of all gender identities, sexual orientations and racial identities. I will always make referrals to other professionals when desired or appropriate.